USD $0+
Additional Revenue Added
Merchants Onboarded
Active D2C Brands
Enterprise Apps

Next-Gen Products

Trusted by 30,000 Brands and 2,200+ Raving Reviews.

Shopify Plus D2C Brand, Supercharged

Enterprise Shopify Plus Brands

Seamless Shopify Plus Integration

Our apps are meticulously crafted to seamlessly integrate with Shopify Plus, providing enterprise grade quality (in UX & Backend Tech) that scale with your business. Unlock your store’s potential and stand out in a competitive market.

Dedicated to Quality & Support

Unwavering Commitment to Quality

2200+ reviews of apps says that, Our dedication to quality support. We back our innovative Shopify apps with responsive support, guidance, and a thriving community of 30,000 brands. Experience the Helixo difference.

Mobile Commerce Optimization

Mobile-First™️ Approach Always

Since 70% of the traffic coming from mobile devices, Our apps are meticulously crafted and designed to meet the enterprise grade user interfaces and UX interactions with a mobile first approach in mind. Democratising enterprise grade designs for D2C brands.

About us

Helping you is our goal

We are a smart, skilled and efficient team capable of solving significant, next-generation technology problems, powered by our pioneer thinking and transformative insights.

We have mastered the time-tested practices and are the early adopters of modern technologies of the day, resulting in efficient teamwork.

  • Customer centric approach

We believe in the pragmatic application of conventional wisdom. We’re not zealots about coding methodologies, but we have learned first-hand that some 


Scalable Engineering

On-demand Scaling, Superior & Secure Performance with a unique blend of digital engineering and domain expertise.

Business Process Automation

Improve the core business processes to reduce cost and increase productivity through workflows and task automation.

Digital Transformation

Our Digital Transformation Services enriches and engages your consumers while touching lives through digital solutions.

Rich UI/UX

We are dedicated to creating the best user experience for your business problem, leaving them a lasting impression.

QA Testing

Our test engineers make sure that they discover bugs and errors before the users do, ensuring quality to your product.

Timely Deliveries

We adhere to strict timelines, ensuring that we deliver quality codebase on time, built in the best possible way.

Engineering Management

Collaborated work for a better results

Every sector has its own challenge. Our custom purpose-built applications are designed to meet the unique needs of your enterprise.

Let’s work together to build your complex tech solutions, whether it is a web app or smart assistants powered by artificial intelligence.

  • Effective Agile Practices
  • Clear and honest communication
  • Right tools for team collaboration
  • Focusing on common goal

Technology Partners

In need of a technological edge? We are your partners.

We are your partners in delivering business innovation, cutting-edge technologies, strategies and solutions that take your business forward.

Engineering Technologies

Let's build long-lasting software together







Thinking in Angular

Future proof front end framework that can build high performance large enterprise applications with cleaner code.

Code Optimization

We use industry standard practices like code splitting, lazy loading, shared modules, minification, AOT compilation, On push change detection etc to ensure apps running blazing-fast.

Thinking in React

React makes it painless to create interactive UIs, premier way to build blazing fast Web apps. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook and Instagram.

Break the UI

Huge ecosystem of react enables to break the complex requirements into individual simple, reusable and manageable components.

Easy Scalable Servers

Node.js offers easy development of server and client apps which saves both valuable money and time. Also, ease of scaling the apps in horizontal as well as the vertical directions.

Microservices Approach

Over the past years, microservices approach have blown the industry for ease of managing complex projects rather than traditional monolith approach.

Industry Leader in Business Applications

Over the past years ASP.NET is the industry leader in building business applications. Service oriented architecture and battle tested security is promisable for business applications

Solving business overheads

ASP.NET overcomes many of the problems of application development including long development times, inability to change applications quickly, high total cost of ownership of software and ease of deployment.

Powers 34% of sites on internet

Fast, easy and scalable language that powers powers 34% of all the websites on the Internet. Even the Facebook built it's core on PHP.

MVC Approach

Application design pattern that separates the application data and business logic (model) from the presentation (view) that helps to build scalable applications.

Language of future

Looking forward to the future, Python’s popularity is skyrocketing. Automation is becoming such a big priority for every business and they always been seeking to rapid growth.

IoT → Robotics

Python powers as the industry leader in Data Analytics, solving science and numeric applications, IoT Applications, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics etc

Your trustworthy partners

Why us?

We take care of the code we wrote and make sure it’s worth each penny of the client. Also, we ensure that each byte adding to production bundles do its job.

  • Quality Code & Optimized Applications
  • Delivery before deadlines
  • Enterprise grade QA Testing
  • Customer Centric & Cost Effective
  • Collaborative development approach
  • Long term relationships

Get in Touch

Let’s talk. We will get in touch within 1 business day. We are happy to hear from you.