UFE Store missing

UFE Store missing

Sometimes the script that added at the time of installation, may not properly be added. Which may cause missing ufeStore error.

How to fix it properly?

  • First thing you can do is contact our customer care via in-app chat or email.
    • Our developers will fix this for you within minutes if you contact within our office time (7AM - 11PM IST)

How to fix it yourself?

  • If you have got a developer on board or if you know how to edit theme liquid files, you can do it by yourself.
  • you can verify issue is ufeStore missing by checking the ufe Errors for that
    • Goto you online store
    • Open Inspect element on right click menu and select console tab.
    • type ufe.ufeErrors open the result you will see “ufeStore missing” error message there
The following part of the article requires development knowledge. 

Don't do it without proper knowledge.
Prerequisite The following part of the article requires development knowledge. Don't do it without proper knowledge.
  • Go to Shopify admin > Online Store > Themes > Actions > Edit Code

1. Checking if the file exists

  • Goto snippets section in the left side pane.
  • Check for ufe-offer.liquid.
  • Goto step 2 if the file exists.
If you didn't find ufe-offer.liquid then contact our customer care via in-app chat or email. and register a ticket . We will do the rest for you.

2. Adding Ufestore script

  • Navigate to theme.liquid
Search for of the following code inside liquid file </head>(closing tag)
and add the code just above the head closing tag
{% include 'ufe-offer' %}
{% include 'ufe-offer' %} </head>

3. Verify

  • Goto you online store
  • Open Inspect element on right click menu and select console tab.
  • type ufe.ufeErrors
Open the result . The error should be gone if you done everything correctly.
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Did we miss something? No worries! Message us by clicking the chat icon 💬 inside the app. Or Just email our team at [email protected] ✌️